500 Years of Chicano History Paper

User Generated




1)  How is Manifest Destiny still in effect? 

2)   What is the difference between Latinos and Hispanics?  

3)   Who was Tecun Uman? 

4)  Why did the  Bracero Program fail? 

5)  Describe U.S. intervention in Latin America.

Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Manifest Destiny
“Manifest Destiny” describes the 19th Century Americans belief that it was a God-given
right to expand westwards and spread their territory (Mennell, 34). The term is not commonly
used today, but the idea behind subtly applies in the present US foreign policy. After the Civil
War, the term was dropped partly due to its racist overtones. It would later return during the
1890s as a means to justify American involvement in the Cuban rebellion against Spain.
However, the involvement would later lead to the 1898 Spanish-American War. The war would
influence the US foreign relations. It expanded its empire and controlled both the Philippines and
Cuba. Americans believed that Manifest Destiny would spread democracy. Another instance
would see America justify its entry to the First World War using the concept's democracy
principle. In the Bush administration, it is apparent that it employed the Manifest Destiny
principle. In a 2000 debate, Bush admitted having no interest in nation-building during the Iraq
invasion. It was evident that the move mea...

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