The Handmaids Tale
Margaret Atwood
Contributed by Marshall Raine
Chapter 29

The chapter begins with Offred once again in the Commander’s office. From her description of the scene, she is relaxed and at ease, along with the Commander. She notes that “little of that formality remains between us” when describing how the two of them are behaving. The Cpmmander offers Offred a book to read, and continually stares at her, making her feel as if completely undressed. She feels shy in the face of the continuous gaze, and instead proposes that they talk instead. It is through this conversation that Offred discovers the meaning of the words Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, scribbled down by the previous handmaid after learning the phrase from the Commander himself. It is at this point that she also learns that the previous handmaid hanged herself when Serena found out about her relationship with the Commander.


In this chapter, the Commander invites Offred to his office in an effort to make her life more bearable, and comfortable. She is comfortable in his office, and he proceeds to express his intention to make her even more comfortable as the days go on. One gets to delve deeper into the scope of the relationship between the Commander and Offred, and how the former wishes the latter’s life to be, or not to be. At the end of the chapter, Offred asks a deep question that comes out clumsily but does not lose its gravity in the process. She seeks to know ‘what is going on’, apparently in an attempt to give the relationship a more solid footing that can benefit her and dispel her fears.

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