ME 3533 ASU Engineering Thermodynamics II Summary Report

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ME 3533



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HW 3 ME 3533 – Engineering Thermodynamics II Due: March 19th, 2020 Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context: Supercritical Power Plant Technology Writing Assignment for ABET – Outcome 7 Knowledge of Contemporary Issues: Supercritical Power Plant Technology Writing Assignment for ABET – Outcome 9  Regarding ABET Outcome 7 assessment, the objective of this assignment is to provide students with a broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.  Regarding ABET Outcome 9 assessment, the objective of this assignment is to expose students to knowledge of contemporary issues in applications of engineering thermodynamics.  Please write a short summary report (two pages) about Supercritical Power Plant Technology. In the course textbook, please review: Chapter 8.3 Improving Performances – Superheat, Reheat, and Supercritical to obtain the introductory information about the topic. You may want to investigate: 1. 2. 3. 4. The overall cycle Related topics on a specific cycle component, like boiler, turbine …etc. Ultrasupercritical power plant Advanced ultrasupercritical power plant  You will need to use at least three references including articles, papers or books on the topic. You may want access to Science Direct to survey related papers published in the Applied Thermal Engineering and Energy journals or other ASU library resources including. The contents in your report should include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Title Student Name Introduction and Background Schematic of Process Strength and Weakness of Technology Status of R&D and Future Works References  Please use Size 12, Times New Roman font, and single space paragraphs in your report format.
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The Impact of Engineering Solutions in A Global and Societal Context: Supercritical
Power Plant Technology
Institutional Affiliation

The knowledge of science has been applied in engineering to develop systems that
help in providing solutions to problem faced the society and the world at large.
Thermodynamics principles and concepts have been employed in the design and operation of
power plants especially that which use coal as a source of energy to power turbines that
generate electricity. There has been steady evolution of the steam plants from the subcritical,
to supercritical, and currently there is the ultra-super critical. Most of the current coal fired
power plants prefer the supercritical steam plant technology. This paper shall look into the
supercritical power plant technology and its impact to both society and globally.
Supercritical Power Plant Technology
A supercritical power plan...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.

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