GSU New South Postbellum Formation of Gwinnet County History Game Questions

User Generated



Georgia State University


just need a list of 15 questions for each topic (45 questions total), their answers, and citations attached to the Q&A proving that you researched each question and answer.

We are playing a game and he want us to upload question each month of each level . To consider I guess when we finally play the game . 

These are the 3 different topics . New south postbellum 8- formation of barrow county modern south -modern 1-retail shopping mallsSunbelt south -Sunbelt - white flight suburbization So just level 1 your making the questions about

Each student will participate in an effort to use the events in Gwinnett County History to create a game that educates as well as entertains. This should be a board game along the lines of Trivial Pursuit, but adapted by the students. The professor will deliver the basic facts of the events as well as primary sources related to those "facts". Each student will develop a set of questions about 3 topics, and these questions will go beyond basic facts to force the "player" to explore a topic with greater analysis. So, basic facts about what happened and who did it, would constitute level 1 information or questions. Asking players about how events in Gwinnett fit into regional history would constitute level 2 questions since they require some knowledge and analysis. Asking "players" to explore what the events mean to the people involved, to people today, and to historians, constitutes level 3 questions. Each student will develop all three levels of questions for their three topics. Topic choices, rubrics and professor feedback will be provided. 

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Explanation & Answer



History Game Questions
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Topic 1: New south postbellum 8- formation of barrow county
1. How did the rejection of free labor in the Postbellum happen?
The rejection of free labor at post-bellum took place after the conflict between two social
systems, which one was based on slavery and the other on free labor. Since free labor
and slavery were represented by two conflicting system, feudalism had been reached
leading to rejection of free labor.
2. Why did freed slaves in New south Postbellum turn to sharecropping?
Sharecropping become popular in the South because the people were responding to
economic upheaval that was caused by the end of slavery during and after
3. What was free labor ideology in New South Postbellum?
It is an idea that put more emphasis on egalitarian vision of individual human potential.
It was an idea that every individual may climb to the ladder of success through hard
work and dedication.
4. New Postbellum put more emphasis on sharecropping. Why was it important?
Since people at Postbellum lacked money to pay for free labor force, sharecropping was
the only system that could benefit both the former slaves and plantation owners.
5. What did reconstruction do for slaves?
Reconstruction in Postbellum ended the presence of remnants of confederate secession
and slavery making the former slaves the new citizens with civil rights.
6. How did wage labor benefit New South Postbellum?
Wage labor isolated the labor market which positively impacted the Postbellum
southern economy. The New South Postbellum economy was now characterized with
job recruitment restrictions, wages, and labor legislations.
7. What was the south like during reconstruction?



It was very difficult to confront the southerners during the reconstruction period
because they were devising new labor systems that would to replace slavery. The
South was characterized with transformation of the former slaves, planters and nonslaving holding white after the civil war.
8. Why did the south reconstruct?
The south reconstructed because the civil war was able to preserve the unions and
freed slaves. It also reconstructed to ensure that there is a long-term racial integration
that would solve sectional wounds.
9. What happened in the South during reconstruction?
The problem of inequities and slavery were solved, which brough social, economic
and political legacy to the South.
10. Did the South win reconstruction?
It is claimed by a section of historians that the North won the war but the South won
reconstruction. In essence, the Southerners won the battle of historical interpretation,
especially in the Southeast.
11. When did Barrow county formed?
Barrow County was formed on July 7, 1914.
12. How was Barrow county formed?
Barrow county was formed by an act of the Georgia legislature and it was named after
Davide Crenshaw Barrow, who was a former chancellor at Georgia University.
13. What cities are in Barrow County?
Barrow county comprises of Winder, Carl, Statham, Russell and Bethlehem cities
14. What is the population of Barrow County, Georgia?
The county has a population of 79,061 as per the national census of 2017
15. What is Winder GA know for?

Winder is the county seat and was named after John Winder that played a significant
role in brining prosperity to Winder. It is also known as the clothing capital because it
was a former mill town.
Topic 2: Modern South-Modern 1- Retail shopping malls
1. What is the modern South?
The modern south comprises of a place free of slavery, civil rights to free slaves, and
place with labor market.
2. What was ten percent plan of the modern South
The ten percent plan specified that states of Modern South could readmitted into the
union once the ten percent of its voters swore oath of allegiance
3. Who opposed the ten percent plan?
The congress was...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.
