Santa Monica College Westward Expansion History Essay

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Santa Monica College


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In a well-developed essay (roughly 500 words), please answer the question bellow. In your essay, include a clear thesis statement that you will then support with examples AND analysis in subsequent paragraphs. Successful answers will include evidence/examples from the textbook, lecture notes, and/or the document reader where relevant. Remember to not only provide specific examples that support your argument/thesis but also explain how those examples support your argument/thesis. Question: How did westward expansion impact the sectional tensions between the North and South from 1800 to 1860?
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Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

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Westward Expansion
Thesis Statement: Westward expansion led to more slaves moving escaping the south to north
for safety and also compromise in the congress about slavery leading to more sectional divisions
that resulted to brutal war.
1. Introduction.
2. Body.
a. Westward expansion was not just a peaceful move but involved a great war between
the natives. The North and the South had grown further in terms of ideology,
economy, and society (Halabi, n.d).
b. The federal government resolved the issue with a compromise and failed to address
the issue, which led to more sectional divides between the North and the South. The
compromised decisions between 1830 and 1850 increase the heights of divisions in
terms of ideology about slavery.
c. Western expansion led to more cities pronouncing slavery between 1850and 1856
with the questioning of the morality of slavery. Western expansion reached the North
and advocate for more advocating of slavery that created a stronger ba...

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