SDSU development of the Carolingian Empire Discussion

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San Diego State University


Discuss the development of the Carolingian Empire. Who was its founder? Describe Charlemagne (his character, interests, lineage) and discuss how he organized and ran the Empire. How did his reign lead to the Carolingian Renaissance, what was the renaissance, and how was it achieved? Please provide examples of some developments that occurred during the renaissance. Use some or all of the following web sources along with our readings material. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

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Explanation & Answer


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The Carolingian Empire
The Carolingian Empire is one of the notable dynasties of the medieval period. It is
famed for managing to unite France, Germany and some parts of Spain. Napoleon is the only
other ruler who was able to achieve this fete. The empire grew in strength from 768-814. In these
years, the empire expanded its territory and exerted its authority on other areas annexed by war.
This period coincided with the rule of Charlemagne over the Franks. Charlemagne was the
founder of the Carolingian empire and responsible for its growth and success in the years that
followed his ascension to leadership (Shahan and Macpherson n.p). Charlemagne’s style of
leadership played a significant influence on the empire’s expansion.
Charlemagne was the son of Pepin III and the grandson of the great Charles Martel.
When Pepin III was nearing his death, he divided the kingdom between his two sons, as was the
custom among the Franks (Shahan and Macpherson n.p). Charlemagne ruled over one half,
whereas Carloman maintained domain over the other half. However, Carloman had malignant
feelings towards his elder brother and refused to come to his aid during a conflict. Charlemagne
noted this ill-will and annexed his brother’s territory after Carloman passed away, although he
had two sons and a wife who would have succeeded him on the throne (Kreis n.p). This marked
the beginning of an annexation era of the Carolingian Empire under Charlemagne’s leadership.
Charlemagne had extensive military experience due to ventures to the battlefield with his father

even before he was old enough to rule. ...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!
