HIS 115 Grossmont Cuyamaca Community World History Discussion

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HIS 115

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District



Online Discussion 2/ Directions: Please use your textbook to answer both discussion questions. You are required to solely use your textbook, Chapter 2 to answer the questions. No other outside sources are required to answer the questions. The more details and analysis you use to write your responses, the more points you will likely get. You are graded on the originality of your response, the depth you address from the textbook, and critical thinking you bring to the discussion. Be sure responses are in your own words, and your own work.

Do not forget:

Please include at least 2 key terms from chapter 2 to answer both questions. Be sure italicize, underline, and put your key terms in bold. Originality is important, and I implore you not to copy the text verbatim from the text. If you do, please be sure to cite the source and page number from the textbook. Please have a look at the Online Discussion Sample I shared in Pages. Each response should be at least 300-400 words (it’s okay to go over the word limit). Please remember to have a look at the Online Discussion sample as how to cite your work. Responses with NO citation/references to the textbook will get a zero for that assignment.

Online Discussion 2:

Chapter 2

Who was Bartolomé de las Casas? Why was he important to the indigenous people?

(10 points)

Chapter 2

Briefly compare the differences between the nonsedentary, semisedentary, and fully sedentary groups that inhabited the Americas before the Encounter? How would you describe their relationship to the land? How did it vary from group to group?

(10 Points)

Multiple Choice Questions: 5 points

1. Which areas were most affected by the slave trade in Africa?

South Africa, West Africa, and Angola

All parts of Africa were equally affected by the trade.

South Africa, West Africa, and Mozambique

2. What language did the people of Cuzco (Inca Empire) speak?

a. Spanish

b. Nahuatl

c. Mexica

d. Qechua

3. During the reconquest

a. the authorities accepted religions other than Catholicism as part of their multiethnic past.

b. all Moors were expelled from Spain.

c. Catholics were forced into exile.

d. Moors and Jews were forced to convert to Catholicism.

4. . Mestizo children were

mostly illegitimate offspring of Indian fathers and Spanish mothers.

treated similarly to Spaniards if they had Spanish siblings.

an insignificant and small group from early on.

unable to inherit much from their Spanish fathers.

5. What type of society did fully sedentary people of the New World tend to be?

a. egalitarian

b. democratic

c. totalitarian

d. strongly stratified by class

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Explanation & Answer




Online discussion 2



Who was Bartolomé de las Casas?
Bartolomé de Las Casas was the son of a small merchant and was born in 1484. He later moved
to Granada where he served as a soldier in 1497. He was a human rights activist and a defender
of the native people in America. Besides, he was the first missionary and historian who exposed
European oppression against indigenous people (Chasteen, 2001). The main aim was to ensure
that individuals lived in a country free from exploitation. Besides, he pressured the authorities in
America to abolish slavery since it was against the rules of natural justice. For this reason, he
was popular among the oppressed groups such as Indians.
Who was Bartolome de Las Casas and why is he important?
Bartolome de Las Casas was concerned about the issues of slavery in the West Indies region.
Thus, he started a strategy for the reformation of the Indies with the assistance of Francisco
Jiménez de Cisneros, who was a religious reformer. He believed that all people were equal, and
no one was supposed to be mistreated in society. This implied that every person needed to...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.

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