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There are two parts to this assignment.

Part 1: Try to remember the billboards on your commute to work or school. How many do you think there are? Explain why you remembered any of them. Next time you are on that route, note how many billboards there actually are. Are they effective?

Part 2--You’ve been asked to create a new social media networking site. What would you name the site and what would you suggest to make it better than existing sites?

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Running head: Billboards and Website 1 Billboard and Website Jalfre Quinones American Military University 14 February 2020 MKTG201 BILLBOARD AND WEBSITE 2 Billboard and Website Introduction Billboard are utilizing by business to reach consumers by promoting awareness of their products and services. Billboards are often found in high traffic areas such highways or commercial areas. A key factor when developing a billboard is the use of provoking images and few words that encompass a large meaning (Higley, 2003). Another tool utilized by business to reach consumers and promote their products and services is social media outlets including home website. During this paper will be discuss an analysis on my observation of effective billboard usage and what I consider it can be a successful social media networking site. Part I Billboard. Going back and thinking about Chick-Fil-A billboards it makes me realize how successfully their billboards are in promoting awareness of their products. Although, I only remember seen many Chick-Fil-A billboards withing a ten-mile radio of a Chick-Fil-A physical store. I consider this a powerful strategy since it promoted awareness but also the provoking billboards continuously led me to choose their store over other competitors. Chick-Fil-A billboards use a consisting provoking message of a cow encouraging its viewers to eat chicken rather than cow meat (Chick-Fil-A). BILLBOARD AND WEBSITE 3 Chick-Fil-A message “EAT MORE CHIKIN” is purposely misspelled with the intent to be even more provoking. After interviewed family members and friends it resulted on Chick-FilA has a very effective billboard strategy that provoke all its viewers to read, remember, and motivate them to visit their store. Part II Social media networking site. I will consider to create a website that interface with the largest two sectors in the web, social media outlets such as Facebook and e-commerce website such as Amazon. The name of this website and or platform could be called “YouLike”. The vision of YouLike share opinions and preference of products and services with friends in which users will earn a incentive for any service or product their friends purchase. This will be the unique and powerful characteristic of this connecting users to talk among each other on the characteristic of products and services and have the capability to purchase them with a click. This website will be a more attractive and friendly e-commerce/social media outlet that could drastically impact competitors in the e-commerce and social media outlet. I consider the friend to friend advertisement to be a powerful approach to reach consumers. Additionally, when you consumers are also your workforce the potential of grow can be much greater. In conclusion. Billboards help to boost the awareness of business product and services. Characteristics that lead billboards to be effective are the use of provoking imagine and short messages with a strategic meaning. Social media networks are also considering a powerful tool to market product and services especially in current modern era. It is vital for business to BILLBOARD AND WEBSITE understand how to effectively formulate a website that can be competitive to competitors in the same market 4 BILLBOARD AND WEBSITE 5 References Chick-Fil-A. (n.d.). Who We Are. Retrieved February 14, 2020, from https://www.chick-fila.com/about/who-we-are Higley, J. (2003). Hoteliers emphasize importance of billboard marketing. Hotel and Motel Management, 218(19), 76–78. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/198921989/ APUS/AMUs Outdoor and Billboard Advertising Industry (US). (n.d.). Plunkett Research, Ltd. Retrieved from https://apus.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?query=any,contains,billboard&tab =Everything&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01APUS_INST:01APUS&lang=en& offset=0. APUS/AMU Tanner, J. F., Raymond, M. A. (2011). Principles of marketing. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge. APUS/AMUs. Running head: Billboards and Website 1 Billboard and Website Jalfre Quinones American Military University 14 February 2020 MKTG201 BILLBOARD AND WEBSITE 2 Billboard and Website Introduction Billboard are utilizing by business to reach consumers by promoting awareness of their products and services. Billboards are often found in high traffic areas such highways or commercial areas. A key factor when developing a billboard is the use of provoking images and few words that encompass a large meaning (Higley, 2003). Another tool utilized by business to reach consumers and promote their products and services is social media outlets including home website. During this paper will be discuss an analysis on my observation of effective billboard usage and what I consider it can be a successful social media networking site. Part I Billboard. Going back and thinking about Chick-Fil-A billboards it makes me realize how successfully their billboards are in promoting awareness of their products. Although, I only remember seen many Chick-Fil-A billboards withing a ten-mile radio of a Chick-Fil-A physical store. I consider this a powerful strategy since it promoted awareness but also the provoking billboards continuously led me to choose their store over other competitors. Chick-Fil-A billboards use a consisting provoking message of a cow encouraging its viewers to eat chicken rather than cow meat (Chick-Fil-A). BILLBOARD AND WEBSITE 3 Chick-Fil-A message “EAT MORE CHIKIN” is purposely misspelled with the intent to be even more provoking. After interviewed family members and friends it resulted on Chick-FilA has a very effective billboard strategy that provoke all its viewers to read, remember, and motivate them to visit their store. Part II Social media networking site. I will consider to create a website that interface with the largest two sectors in the web, social media outlets such as Facebook and e-commerce website such as Amazon. The name of this website and or platform could be called “YouLike”. The vision of YouLike share opinions and preference of products and services with friends in which users will earn a incentive for any service or product their friends purchase. This will be the unique and powerful characteristic of this connecting users to talk among each other on the characteristic of products and services and have the capability to purchase them with a click. This website will be a more attractive and friendly e-commerce/social media outlet that could drastically impact competitors in the e-commerce and social media outlet. I consider the friend to friend advertisement to be a powerful approach to reach consumers. Additionally, when you consumers are also your workforce the potential of grow can be much greater. In conclusion. Billboards help to boost the awareness of business product and services. Characteristics that lead billboards to be effective are the use of provoking imagine and short messages with a strategic meaning. Social media networks are also considering a powerful tool to market product and services especially in current modern era. It is vital for business to BILLBOARD AND WEBSITE understand how to effectively formulate a website that can be competitive to competitors in the same market 4 BILLBOARD AND WEBSITE 5 References Chick-Fil-A. (n.d.). Who We Are. Retrieved February 14, 2020, from https://www.chick-fila.com/about/who-we-are Higley, J. (2003). Hoteliers emphasize importance of billboard marketing. Hotel and Motel Management, 218(19), 76–78. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/198921989/ APUS/AMUs Outdoor and Billboard Advertising Industry (US). (n.d.). Plunkett Research, Ltd. Retrieved from https://apus.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?query=any,contains,billboard&tab =Everything&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01APUS_INST:01APUS&lang=en& offset=0. APUS/AMU Tanner, J. F., Raymond, M. A. (2011). Principles of marketing. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge. APUS/AMUs.
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Running head: Billboards and Website


Billboard and Website
Jalfre Quinones
American Military University
14 February 2020


Billboard and Website

Billboards are utilized by businesses as a means to reach consumers by promoting
awareness of their products and services. Billboards are often found in high traffic areas such as
highways or commercial areas. A key factor when developing a billboard is the use of provoking
images and few words that encompass a large meaning (Higley, 2003). Another tool utilized by
businesses to reach consumers and promote their products and services is social media outlets
including home websites. The following paper will entail an analysis of my observation of
effective billboar...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.

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