SDSU Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain Chapter Reflection

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San Diego State University


First read this book from chapters 1-3. "Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students" by Hammond, Zaretta. 

I will upload the pictures of the book for you.


Write a total of 1 reflection about chapters 1-3  

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Explanation & Answer


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Chapter Reflection
Education in American schools functions as a primary instrument for facilitating the
integration of the young generation into the logic of the present system that plays a critical
role in bringing about conformity. The use of the education system later becomes the practice
of freedom. Men and women use their education with the drive of critically and creatively
working towards ensuring there are discovery and use of reality in their way of transforming
life. Therefore, the chronic achievement in this chapter has managed to create an epidemic
which ensures that learners get excited over the increasing level of thinking. The education
system is then used efficiently in problem-solving, writing skills, and analytical reading,
which is vital in ensuring students get the facts and information needed during the period of
studying. More studies in classrooms document that underserved learners of English receive
fewer skills based on order instructions.
Additionally, poor students and students of specific color receive fewer instructions,
leading to lower rates of development when compared to other groups of learners. The
curriculum used by other students is less challenging, and it is always repetitive. The
instructions present always focused on the use of skills. The available instructions, therefore,
play a critical role in denying students with the opportunity of engaging in other activities
such as productive struggle, which raises the level of student’s understanding.
The understanding of the roots of culture plays a critical role in reducing the gap in
terms of race. Understanding culture reduces issues such as ine...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.
