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the concept of papalogy

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For technological advancement in the company
For social reasons in order to provide a favorable working environment
For economic reasons so as to promote productivity in the firm
Networking as a form aiding in easy relay of information in the company
The most persuasive one is economic reasons as this is the main aim of setting up several
firms; for profitability.
The profitability of the business being adopted- this is important because the non-profitable
businesses can be non-rewarding which can lead to their collapse.
The nature of the current market of the business- when introducing a new innovation the
current market should be able to positively embrace it.
The government policy on the business being adopted- the government should have
favorable policies protecting the business from unforeseen circumstances.
A venture champion is a person or firm that introduces a new idea in the market despite all
the risks involved.
Factors influencing the decisions to establish new ventures include;
The market gap- this is whereby a product lacks in the market.
New technological innovations that encourage creativity
A ready market for the products
Favorable government policies
Background of individuals who have a propensity to develop new ventures

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Generally this people have risk taking behaviors that make them indulge in activities which
the outcome is uncertain.
They are positive thinkers with business minds aimed at maximizing the profits from little
Functional team is composed of members from different vertical levels of an organization
such that both the executive members and the subordinate staff are included.
Cross functional team is formed by a combination of several functional teams.
Unavailability of ready market
Unfavorable government policies
Insufficient manpower
An example is Microsoft in its initial stage of setting up, there were few computers by then
and thus the ready was limited as well.

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QUESTION 1 For technological advancement in the company For social reasons in order to provide a favorable working environment For economic reasons so as to promote productivity in the firm Networking as a form aiding in easy relay of information in the company The most persuasive one is economic reasons as this is the main aim of setting up several firms; for profitability. QUESTION 2 The profitability of the business being adopted- this is important because the non-profitable businesses can be non-rewarding which can lead to their collapse. The nature of the current market of the business- when introducing a new innovation the current market should be able to positively embrace it. The government policy on the business being adopted- the government should have favorable policies protecting the business from unforeseen circumstances. QUESTION 3 A venture champion is a person or firm that introduces a new idea in the market despite all the risks involved. Factors influencing the decisions to establish new ventures include; The market gap- this is whereby a product lacks in the market. New technological innovations that encourage creativity A ready market for the products Favorable government policies Background of individuals who have a propensity to develop new ventures Generally this people have risk taking behaviors that make them indulge in activities which the outcome is uncertain. They are positive thinkers with business minds aimed at maximizing the profits from ...
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