Abraham Baldwin Agricultural Intolerance and Civil Liberties in World War Essay

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Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College


Intolerance and Civil Liberties in World War I


How did World War I affect the American traditions of tolerance and liberty?

In order to unify the country after the United States entered World War I, President Wilson and other government officials used propaganda that promoted patriotism. However, this message promoted an intolerance of foreigners, immigrants, and radical political beliefs. In addition, the American people allowed their government to limit civil liberties in the name of national security. Use the Chapter 23 Primary and Research topic links to aid your research. www.wwnorton.com/college/NRL/epack_ancillaries/AME...

Espionage Act of 1917

Enemy Alien Registration

Americanese Wall Cartoon (1918)

Photograph: Destroying a Socialist Flag (1918)

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Intolerance and Civil Liberties in World War I Outline


Espionage Act of 1917

Enemy Alien Registration

Americanese Wall Cartoon (1918)

Photograph: Destroying a Socialist Flag (1918)


Running head: WORLD WAR I


Intolerance and Civil Liberties in World War I
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Intolerance and Civil Liberties in World War I

Every rivalry has an impact on the participating countries, and in some nations or
communities, scars can be left. In order to correct the loopholes that led to previous war, most
of the nation resorts to create a long-lasting solution to solve the situation amicably. Among
such rivalry is World War I, in which America played a significant role. Intending to unify
the Americans after taking part in World War I, President Wilson engaged his administration
on how to create a solution. The resorted solution was the use of propaganda to evoke
patriotism. However, the decision triggered the intolerance of immigrants, radical political
beliefs, and foreigners. Eventually, American people allowed the government to limit civil
liberty in pursuit of national security.
Espionage Act of 1917
The Espionage Act of 1917 granted Americans the right to speech. However, it had some
of the civil restrictions towards the expression. For instan...

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